v1.1 Stable release
Brasov – Sfantu Gheorghe – Baile Tusnad is one of the most detailed Romanian real scale route made for Train Simulator.
You will drive more than 66 Km through real-world environment replica until you reach Baile Tusnad station. This release is the complete M400 Brasov – Baile Tusnad project that our team has developed.
The update is free for those who bought Brasov – Sf. Gheorghe.
Just re-download the file from your account even if it’s the old name showing in the order (the file is updated).
The route contains 19 standard scenarios: 16 for passengers, 3 for freight, and one Free Roam scenario. They are real-life replicated scenarios including custom train radio commands sounds.
In order to have the complete experience without any missing assets (vegetation, scenery objects, etc.) you must download and install a list of some external assets. Click on the Route dependencies button above.
Step 1 – Copy the folders “Assets” and “Content” into your Train Simulator (Railworks) root folder. Ex: “X:Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\”. If you have the v1.0 route already installed just overwrite all files.
Step 2 – Download and install all the external assets specified in the dependencies list.
Step 3 – Enjoy the ride!
Line 400 is one of CFR’s main lines in Romania having a total length of 560 km. The main line, connecting Brașov with the northwestern city Satu Mare, passes through the important cities Sfântu Gheorghe, Miercurea Ciuc, Dej, Jibou and Baia Mare. Between Deda and Toplita Line 400 passes the most beautiful part of Romania which can be fully admired by train: “Defileul Muresului National Park”.
– *new* IR 1646: Baile Tusnad – Brasov
– *new* CFR Marfa – Cariera Malnas – Harman
– *new* IR 407 “Corona”: Baile Tusnad – Brasov
– *new* IR 1540: Brasov – Baile Tusnad
– *new* IR 4506: Baile Tusnad – Brasov
– *new* IR 4512: Baile Tusnad – Brasov
– *new* RE 4501: Brasov – Sfantu Gheorghe – Baile Tusnad
– IR 1642: Baia Mare – Bucuresti Nord- IR 1540: Brasov – Iasi
– IR 1646: Tg-Mures – Bucuresti Nord
– IR 1945: Constanta – Brasov – Baia Mare
– IR 366-1
– IR 407: Sfantu Gheorghe – Brasov
– Probe tren elevi: Brasov – Prejmer – Brasov
– R4585 – R4586
– RE 4508: Sfantu Gheorghe – Brasov
– RE4501: Brasov – Sfantu Gheorghe
– Special train – Szekely Gyors 2021
– Tren special RE 12401: Brasov – Sumuleu Ciuc Hm
Special thanks
The payware pack of our route does not contain any freeware/payware content from anyone without the authors’ permission.
This product does NOT include the electric locomotive 692, which is available separately here, or any rolling stock material (Rolling stock can be found in the dependencies list above).
Along with the route you will get all the Romanian assets developed by our team.
Some of them are:
Brasov station, Brasov water tower, DN11 Bridge, Harman station, Prejmer station, Ozun, Sfantu Gheorghe station, and many other scenery assets.
Note: All the “[FRS]”/ Free rolling stock scenarios can be played with the included Train Simulator loco’s & consists, still letting you enjoy all the route features.
If you encounter any problems regarding this asset, let us know at:
office@train-motion.com or Facebook Messenger.
This product cannot be redistributed and modified in any form without the author’s permission.
Redistribution on any other website or forum except www.train-motion.com is strictly forbidden and will entail permanent deactivation of your account on www.train-motion.com and related official pages and we will no longer sell to you any of our future or existing products.
Reverse engineering on this asset or other parts of it is strictly forbidden.
(that means the models, the textures, sounds, the configs)
If you really like trains and what we do for this simulator, please support us by not encouraging the piracy of these assets. It’s a huge amount of time and effort involved in the process of creating this level of realism and piracy will just make the authors no longer publish their work.
Writen by:
O treaba excelenta, felicitari!
Writen by:
Alexandru Baiu
Writen by:
Mihai Ionescu
Felicitări, abia aștept sa o joc
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Eduard Emeric Dobos
O ruta superba din cate am vazut e live-urile voastre!
Felicitari baieti si succes mai departe la realizarea cat mai multor proiecte initiate!
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Cred că ruta este extrem de reușită,abia aștept primul parcurs pe această rută.Mulțumiri pentru munca depusă!
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Ruta arata superb, direct cumparata la pre-order, felicitari si multumim pentru munca depusa, succes la extensie si la cat mai multe!
Writen by:
Alexandru Baiu
Multumim! 🙂
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Best of The Best.
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Ruta mai apare? sau e coming soon?
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Alexandru Baiu
ruta este disponibila
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Vroiam sa-mi placa aceasta ruta . Din pacate e un mare esec 🙁 sper sa fie un update cat de repede posibil .
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Ne poti spune ce anume te-a facut s-o consideri un esec?
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Ruta este foarte reușită. Chiar daca costa mult ,se merita!
Sincer ,eu chiar nu înțeleg ce au văzut greșit la ruta persoanele care spun ca e un eșec. Merge perfect și este exact ca în realitate!
Nu vă opriți din ceea ce faceți! Dacă nu ați fi avut acest site de unde să-mi iau content românesc de așa calitate înaltă ,mi-aș fi dezinstalat Train Simulatorul!
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Multumim frumos pentru sustinere, inseamna mult pentru noi sa vedem oameni care ne apreciaza munca. 🙂
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Foarte frumoasa ruta! Cand se va putea instala si juca?
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Salut Lucas, multumim, ruta se poate deja instala si juca pana la statia Sf. Gheorghe.
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Dear Negru, look stunning, you make the best realistic routes available on Train Simulator, I just want to know if I buy the pre order will I be able to download the first edition and use it or will there be one release date?
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Hello Gertsteam, I’m not the author of the route but thank you for your appreciation, I will let the author know.
The pre-order period has ended and the route is now available to play right away from Brasov to Sfantu Gheorghe with a free update for the Baile Tusnad extension which will be released in the near future. You have now a -33% discount and when the extension will be released and the project will be completed it will be available only at its full price. Best wishes and glad you like our work!
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Thank you Negru, will buy right away.
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Absolutely a masterpiece of perfection, my words can not describe how good this route is, the scenery is of the best, the sounds, the train movements on the track are so real to life that it is unbelievable, I must admit that this is one of the best routes available for Train Simulator, this is exactly what Train Simulator must be like, you really feel like being in the cab as it sway from side to side, all I can say is that you have me speechless, well done and thank you for all your hard work in this route, the developer need to train others developers how it is done properly. Thank you again and am looking forward to the expansion. 10/10
Writen by:
Alexandru Baiu
Thank you for your appreciation. I must admit that there was a lot of work in this project but I’m doing it with passion which makes it easy and enjoyable. It’s a challenge for me when others enjoy what I’m doing. You really encourage me to go forward in making this simulator as real as possible. Cheers🍻
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Hi Alexandru, thank you for your reply. I just want to add that you have set a new standard in route building that I doubt anyone will ever reach, your work is a work of a artist because doing in 3D what you did, replicate a real world feel is a gift that I only saw in you so far. I am a train driver in South Africa and my review is based on my own experience on the Railways, I am a huge collector of Train Simulator and own about every DLC available on Steam as well as all the other good third party developers, this route is one of the best. I am even willing to pay for the expansion update when it become available because I feel that developers like yourself should be supported because you have mastered the art. Hope you will have a blessed day. Kind Regards.
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foarte frumos, ca în realitate…..unde găsesc anunțuri de la gara ca sunt și la prezentarea rutei la YouTube?
Writen by:
Alexandru Baiu
buna, sunetele personalizate difera in functie de scenariu. Ce ai vazut pe YouTube este scenariul R4508 pe care il gasesti in lista cu scenarii din joc
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dar asta este o expansiune si daca am ruta Brasov Sfantul Gheorghe inseamna ca mai cumpar inca odata ruta si nu cumpar expansiunea adica facetima sa inteleg Multumesc
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Salut Gabry, toti cei care au cumparat primul tronson Brasov – Sf. Gheorghe beneficiaza de update gratuit pana la Baile Tusnad. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa redescarci din contul tau fisierul cu noua ruta. Toate cele bune
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Eu am redescarcat ruta si nu merge sa o instalez imi zice ca imi lipseste un fisier
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Salut Alex, redescarca acum si va functiona.
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numerge sa il descarc in joc acest asset imi da eroare mereu cand il instalez
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Salut Mihai, redescarca fisierul si va functiona.
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buna treaba baieti ! succes pe mai deprate si multumim !
(urmatorul proiect ?)
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Multumim, vom anunta cand va fi ceva mai concret stabilit. 🙂
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Sper sa mearga de data asta va voi anunta iarasi
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fantastic route, scenery is just great. keep them coming! 🙂
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Am cumparat ruta, am mers pe ia. Concluzia: 5 Stele! Ruta este foarte reusita, cu multe detalii. Multumesc pentru munca depusa, si succes in continuare! Este planificat o extensie rutei spre Miercurea Ciuc in viitor? Ar fi o treaba foarte faina. Bafta in continuare!
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In continut sind prea multe *.bak si va rog sa le indepartati din installatie, nimeni nur are nevoie de ele.
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Oare va aparea si o extensie pana la Miercurea Ciuc? 🙂
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Multumesc baieti!
Ruta este excelenta.
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Andrei Moraru
Aceasta ruta merge si pe TS 2022?
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Salut, da functioneaza pe toate versiunile.
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merge si pe quick drive ca vreau sa o cumpar si nu stiu
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The track is very well implemented, I know it personally, just great! Thanks for that. It would be awesome if you would expand it to Deda, I would easily pay 100€ for it….just a dream of me of course…
Multumesc frumos, Szépen köszönöm-Tökéletes munka!!!
Writen by:
Mircea Ovidiu
Salut! Ruta e misto , reusita, superba. Dar pentru scenariul R4585 – R4586, nu reusesc deloc sa pornesc locomotiva. Execut toti pasii pana la ultimul…VENTILATIA. Si indiferent cat astept, nu mi apare ca locomotiva e gata de plecare
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Mircea Ovidiu
Cum ziceam, ruta e superba, ca de altfel tot ceea ce faceti si intreprindeti. Merita toti banii. Dar as vrea sincer sa stiu cum pot porni de la 0 locomotiva la unele scenarii. Multumesc anticipat
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Despre ce locomotiva e vorba?
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Mircea Ovidiu
E vorba de CFR Calatori 40-0295. Si acum am vazut ca la scenariul Special train – Szekely Gyors 2021 am un Braked Consist desi am instalat tot ce trebuie….cred
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Scenariile originale nu contin aceasta locomotiva, iar aceasta nu este creata de noi, prin urmare recomandarea este sa intrebi creatorii acesteia despre ce dificultati intampini. De asemenea pentru a nu mai primi mesajul de “Broken Consist”, instaleaza toate dependintele necesare scenariilor. Numai bine!
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cum fac mai departe am cumparat acest joc acum cum descarc sal joc
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Salutare Iulian, acest produs nu reprezinta un joc in sine, este doar o ruta. Jocul propriu-zis se numeste Train Simulator Classic. Daca ai acest joc, tot ce trebuie sa faci pentru a te juca pe aceasta ruta este sa urmezi instructiunile de instalare specificate mai sus la tabul “Installation”. Daca dupa ce ai urmat toti pasii de instalare intampini si alte probleme te rugam sa ne contactezi pe adresa de email, aceasta sectiune fiind dedicata review-urilor. Numai bine!
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Buna ziua,am cumparat ruta si merge dar nu mi se vad firele electrice si in gara Brasov nu ma lasa sa iau pasageri am incercat sa fac ce spune la installation si dupa multe incercari tot nu mi se vad. Ce sa fac???