LE 060 - EA 5100 kW TSAM v1.0.3
CFR 060 – EA 476-692-5 is the first advanced model of the 060 EA locomotive created for Train Simulator 2018. The locomotive has a custom script that will simulate almost all the real-world capabilities and a 3D model built in accordance with the original technical drawings and blueprints, at a real scale. Also, the locomotive contains photorealistic HD textures and real recorded sounds for every action you will perform in the simulator. The 47-class locomotive is one of the most recent modernized versions of 060 EA originals, built for freight trains but for a short while was used also on passenger trains. This is the actual look of the CFR 060 – EA 476-692-5 loco when it was servicing at “CFR Calatori” passenger trains, back in 2009 – 2010.
There was a long journey, getting from the real thing to the game-simulated loco, and quite a “bumpy road”. It required a lot of pictures, sound recording, measurements, and research for every aspect of its functionalities. All these efforts were made to create the best user experience. I hope you’ll enjoy this loco as much as I did when working on it!
Note: This asset has a licensing system that requires an original copy of Train Simulator game and a valid Steam account.
Step 1 – Run the “TM_060EA_692_vX_X_X.exe” utility and follow the installation steps.
Step 2 – Download the license provided on our website on the “My Downloads” or “My Orders” page.
Step 3 – Run the “TM_060EA_692_license.exe” utility and follow the installation steps.
Step 4 – !Important! Activate in the Steam program: Steam->Settings->Family->”Authorize Library Sharing on this computer” and restart Steam.
Make sure that no antivirus is blocking or influencing the operation of the installation utilities.
Full installation tutorial HERE.
– Default Steam folder installation restriction REMOVED
– [BugFix] Double-traction AI headlights off
– [BugFix] Wiper sound disabled when there is no air in the system
– [BugFix] Stopping sound small fix
– [BugFix] Indusi emergency brake alarm
– [BugFix] Override signal command interfering with V1 speed check
– [BugFix] Headlights beam size
– [BugFix] Traction control mode key changed from T to Ctrl + T
– [BugFix] Override signal allowed after passing any 2000hz inductor if previously activated
– DSV disable time reduced to 2 seconds
– Instruments lighting on when the main headlights are turned on
– Flashing “Rezerva viteza” when passing over 500hz inductors
– Pantograph spark time interval increased on all seasons
– Added Fast Charge Auxiliary Compressor feature (Ctrl + K)
– Added Simple Controls mode
– Added Broken engine support
The locomotive has Swedish origins, dating back to 1966 when the first one was on the ASEA (Almana Svenska Electrica Actiebolaget). In Romania, electric traction was introduced in 1963, when technical tests began, and in 1966 the first such locomotive was circulated in our country. The Electroputere Craiova factory bought the license in 1970 and started to produce the locomotive until 1991 when the factory was involved in maintenance and modernization. At that time, it was considered the only locomotive capable of pulling heavy-duty trains at high altitudes with a speed up to 80 km/h. This locomotive was also shipped to other countries such as Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and China.
Technical specifications
Key Features
Custom script that includes advanced functions:
AI sounds and lights
Real speed adjustment mode
Manual control
Speed preselection without electric brake
Speed preselection with electric brake
Dynamic INDUSI system behavior and values for
M/P/R (Freight/Stopping passenger/Express Passenger)
Real DSV behavior, timing, and functionality
Real ICOL LCD display behavior includes:
Dynamic Catenary voltage bar and value display
Dynamic General pipe pressure display
Dynamic battery values display
Dynamic Date & time display
Dynamic clock display
Dynamic disruptor display
Dynamic traction disruptor display
Dynamic wheel slip control display
Dynamic static converters’ behavior display
Dynamic static converters starters display
Dynamic traction direction display
Dynamic direction display
Dynamic throttle bar and values display
Dynamic speed bar display
Dynamic speed adjustment bar and values display
Dynamic traction engines bars display
Dynamic traction current, excitation bars, and values display
Dynamic auxiliary services display
Dynamic general locomotive status display
ON/OFF functionality for DSV, INDUSI, and ICOL Display
Lock/Unlock functionality for KD2 brake lever and throttle lever
Real behavior and notch lever positions for Knorr D2 air brake
Real values for FD (locomotive brake)
Real air pressure values
Real throttle lever positions and graduated power control
Real and complete dashboard lights behavior
Digital dashboard displays for speed and clock
Custom air auxiliary compressor
Custom air compressor behavior
Real air wipers’ behavior
Real starting sequence
Separate wipers and wiper speed control
Separated cabin controls
Separate headlights control for both cabins
Real headlights intensity modes
Automatic engine ventilation
Winter running snow splashing
Automatic wheel slip control
Pantograph sparks depending on speed and season (Summer/Winter)
Running pantograph balance animation depending on the speed
Functional bogey lights
Engine room illumination
Cabin separated illumination
Illuminated roadbook
Illuminated speedometer
Illuminated ammeter
Illuminated brake gauges
Illuminated LCD screen
Dynamic battery/catenary interior illumination
Opening doors and windows (interior/exterior)
Functional separate sunscreens
Automatic position for end train sign
3D train drivers with automatic positioning
Multiple cabin cameras
Real and unique sounds
Special thanks
Claudiu Marian Iscru
Razvan Preda
Marius Asan
Constantin Sava
Paul Argeseanu
After purchasing this asset it might take up to a max. of 24h until the license will be generated for you. In most cases, the license will become available in your account right after the payment is completed and confirmed.
It is mandatory right before the purchase checkout that you provide your Steam profile link. If you don’t know your profile link or don’t know where to find it, don’t worry you will find more info about that, right on the checkout page.
**The license is valid for ONLY ONE profile, so be careful to enter the link address correctly and you don’t lose access to the Steam account.**
If you encounter any problems regarding this asset feel free to write us on:
This product cannot be redistributed or modified in any form without the author’s permission.
Redistribution on any other website or forum except www.train-motion.com is strictly forbidden and will entail permanent deactivation of your account on www.train-motion.com and related official pages and we will no longer sell to you any of our future or existing products. (Every locomotive contains info about its owner)
Reverse engineering on this asset or other parts of it is strictly forbidden.
(that means the models, the textures, sounds, the configs)
If you really like trains and what we do for this simulator, please support us by not encouraging the piracy of these assets. It’s a huge amount of time and effort involved in the process of creating this level of realism and piracy will just make the authors to no longer publish their work.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! This section is dedicated to reviews about the product. For support or questions, feel free to email us.
Only customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Ceva adevarat….Super
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim Dorel!
Writen by:
intrebare este un tren sau mai multe in pachet
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Este o singura locomotiva.
Writen by:
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Super! Abia astept s-o conduc in scenarii pe ruta Bucuresti-Ploiesti 😉
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Soon 🙂
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Daca asi putea sa o am… Dar nu am 25 de euro si sunt prea mic ca sa fac bani 🙁
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Superb,texturile HD,o așteptam de atâta timp și uite că a venit!, +REP
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Writen by:
andrei stancu
Cam scump, dar se merita.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Felicitări pentru această operă digitală, ne-ați surprins la fel cum ati făcut-o și cu ruta!
Mult succes în realizarea proiectelor pe care le aveți in plan!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim Paul!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
After owning this locomotive for about 3 weeks i can say a few words about it. The model locks amaizing, all details are present just like in real life. Also the textures are HD photo level of quality. As sounds go, the locomotive has sounds for every action you perform, lever, switches, traction engines, cooling fans, bogey sounds, even a radio something many addons are missing. The loco also drivers as real as it gets , with realistic start up procedure, throttle control, braking and overall locomotive feel as it drives and responds to user input. Also one of the highlights is the ICOL display implementation showing almost everything the locomotive is doing in real time. Basically you can see different locomotive auxiliary and main systems going on and off depending of the locomotive state. Now during my 10 hours play time with this locomotive i did find a troubling issue. The problem is the inability to reduce the throttle to inferior steps. That means that you can use steps to throttle up and increase the loco power with each step, but you cannot throttle down in same manor, and only way to go to an inferior power step is to cut the throttle completely and then apply power again to desire step. I did send a message to the authors about this issue and i hope they fix it because really this is a very good addon and i’m sure that any issue will get fixed. Based on this il give it 5 stars and hope my problem gets fixed soon 🙂
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Thank you very much Trainhunterhd!
Writen by:
Salut.Foarte frumos!Ati merita un premiu din partea CFR.Mult respect!Sunteti niste oameni foarte minunati si ati demonstrat celor lalte tari ca si Romani sunt in stare sa isi faca jocuri.Dar am problema.Am achizitionat aceasta superba locomotiva,am intalato in joc,imi apare in lista dar cand vreau sa o pun pe sina nu imi apare.Ce problema are?Va rog mult sa ma ajutati!Mult respect inca o data si multa multa sanatate!!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Asteapt cate va secunde si va aparea, asa este la inceput , se încarcă texturile,
Sau potia stepatat un minut sigur se va incarca
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim mult Florin! Trebuie sa urmezi pasii de instalare din fisierul “Installation.txt”, iar daca nu reusesti ne poti scrie pe email si te ajutam. Numai bine!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Arată super locomotiva! Este foarte realistică cu texturi excepționale! Felicitări!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Extraordinara munca, felicitari !
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumesc mult!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Felicitari pentru munca depusa! Foarte frumoasa locomotiva, la fel si ruta!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim George!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Este o locomotiva și un produs de calitate, își merită bani de abia ce am achiziționato azi și sunt foarte uimit de grafica și de fiecare detaliu🎖️
De abia aștept să apară pasărea măiastră.
Continuați de faceți , că faceți foarte bine.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim mult Bogdan!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Dear Sir, what do I do if my trainsim is in library folder on a different drive because it is to large for having my steam library in the C program files folder. will it still work?
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Hello, unfortunately the game must be installed in the Steam folder for the loco to validate the license. You can install RW in other drive if your C: is full, but it must maintain the default path for the game.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
In one word, very cool, this is the way Train simulator should go, one awesome locomotive!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Thank you very much Gertsteam!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Este foarte frumos lucrat , la fiecare detaliu , pana si sunetele sunt ca cele reale , a meritat din plin bani, de abia asteapt 5100, cred ca si acea locomotiva va iesi superb , spor la lucru.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, hai sa comunicam pe facebook messenger, este mai rapid. Pe site apare licenta descarcata pe data de 15 octombrie. Toate cele bune
Writen by:
Mircea Ovidiu
(verified owner) :
salut! Dupa un DSV activ si frana pneumatica activata, cum repornesc locomotiva? Multumesc anticipat!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, se apasa pedala si butonul de rearmare in acelasi timp. Consulta manualul pentru a afla mai multe.
Writen by:
Mircea Ovidiu
(verified owner) :
Multumesc mult! Initial nu reusisem sa deschid manualul. Multumesc oricum!
Writen by:
Mircea Ovidiu
(verified owner) :
Salut! Reusisem in sfarsit sa dezactivez disjunctorul la intrarea in zona neutra. Insa dupa ce am depasit o, n am m ai reusit sa conectez pantograful si disjunctorul. Locomotiva s a oprit si nu m ai raspunde la comenzi. Reset nu functioneaza. Ce pot sa fac?
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, cel mai probabil ai omis sa faci ceva. 🙂 Consulta manualul pentru a afla cum se executa toate procedurile corect.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, cum fac sa aprind cadranele vitezometrului si ale celorlalte ceasuri pe lumina verde(asa cum se vede in clipul de prezentare al locomotivei) ?
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, se aprind automat daca e pe timp de noapte.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut,multumesc frumos. Dar daca vreau sa ridic al doilea pantograf , cum fac ? Atunci cand schimb cabina din Train Simulator(ctrl & – sau ctrl & = ) tot acelasi pantograf ridica.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, pentru selectie pantograf ai CTRL & P si CTRL & SHIFT & P .
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumesc frumos
Writen by:
Mircea Ovidiu
(verified owner) :
Multumes negru13! Ruta Bucuresti Ploiesti va fi prelungita pana la Brasov? daca nu, e posibil sa m ai creati si alte rute sau cel putin un grup de sesiuni? Oricum, vroiam sa va zic felicitari ptr munca depusa pana acum si sa va multumesc pentru ca faceti o treaba minunata.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumesc mult! Va urma da, si ruta Bucuresti Brasov. Numai bine!
Writen by:
Darius Bogdan
(verified owner) :
Bestială locomotiva, isi merita toti banii!!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumiri! 🙂
Writen by:
Mihai Catalin Lazar
(verified owner) :
Salut. Am cumparat locomotiva si am descarcat licenta. Le-am instalat in folder-ul Railworks, dar locomotiva nu apare decat in lista; texturile nu se incarca. Tin sa mentionez ca nu am numai un DLC de pe Steam: Desiro BR642; oare imi lipseste un DLC? Daca ma poti ajuta, ar fi binevenit!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Merita cumparata! Calitatea este excelenta, are controale exact ca in realitate, etc..
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Este superbă și numai la 25 de euro?! Numai nu știu ce a pățit ruta București-Ploiești. Dar locomotiva merită toți banii , este forate fidelă realități!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Great locomotive, all praise!Esti de planificare o versiune clasica?
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim, da este si o versiune clasica in lucru.
Writen by:
Locomotiva este superba ,texturile sunt geniale ,sunetele prea satisfacatoare ,iar comenziile sunt ca in realitate ,dar a-s dorii sa aflu cum pornesc stergatoarele de parbriz
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim, din tastele < >
Writen by:
Alexandru Negrei
(verified owner) :
Multumesc tuturor care fac astfel de content chiar o sa ma ajute pentru viitoarea mea cariera. Si-a meritat toti banii !!!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim frumos si mult succes! 🙂
Writen by:
Mario Vlad
(verified owner) :
Locomotiva este superba, nu am cuvinte. Multumim pentru aceasta frumusete!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Nu am ce spune. Locomotiva este perfecta….pur si simplu perfecta.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Si noi multumim pentru apreciere! 🙂
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Verifica email-ul, ti s-a raspuns de ceva timp la solicitare.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
salut va rog sa nu va suparati pe mine nu imi gasesc locomotiva in my order nu stiu de ce nu imi apare va rog sa ma ajutati nu am idee unde sa o caut nci cu # nici cu altceva nu stiu pur si simplu
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut Mihai, verifica email-ul, ti-am trimis acolo pasii. Pe viitor pentru astfel de probleme te rugam sa ne contactezi prin email pentru a-ti putea raspunde cat mai repede. Numai bine!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Verifica si folderul “Spam”, au fost trimise 2 email-uri.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Mulțumim frumos pentru produsele pe care le creați! Numai cuvinte de laudă pentru munca pe care o faceți! Felicitări!Produse deosebite. Continuați tot așa și în anul 2022.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim mult si noi si ne bucuram ca iti place ceea ce facem! Toate cele bune! 🙂
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Ok, o treaba excelenta, sper si noi toti care folosim aceste produse digitale foarte bine realizate sa avem parte de ele, a fost o mica problema cu steam-ul meu dar am instalat din nou totul de la 0, si a functionat cum trebuie, daca ar fi sa incep nu stiu, locomotiva functioneaza si se comporta impecabil, chestii frumoase si educative pasionatilor in acelasi timp, detaliile sunt uimitoare…fara cuvinte, felicitari si la cat mai multe astfel de add-on-uri!!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
numai ce am cumparat locomotiva..Felicitari @negru13 pentru ce ai realizat..ce vreau sa mai vad pe sait sunt vagoane romanesti cu interior si winter skn.. iar in ce privesc locomotivele…era un proiect pasarea maiastra…se mai face?
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumesc frumos, da, vor fi si vagoane romanesti si pasarea maiastra dar dupa lansarea versiunii clasice pentru 060 EA. Numai bine!
Writen by:
asteptam o reducere la frumusete <3
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Mersi de ajutor, e totul ok acum,iar cu locomotiva ati făcut o treaba excelenta. Succes în continuare!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Ma bucur ca e totul ok si multumesc frumos pentru apreciere!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Cu siguranta una din cele mai bune si mai frumoase locomotive. Va urez mult succes pe mai departe! Dar am si eu o mica problema. Am auzit ca s-a facut un update la locomotiva si ca trebuie sa o redescarc impreuna cu licenta, dar cand incerc sa descarc din nou locomotiva, imi apare asta ,,Invalid download link. Go to shop” si nu stiu ce sa fac. Ma puteti ajuta, va rog frumos? Multumesc anticipat!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salutare, multumim mult pentru sustinere! Se intampla uneori ca la comenzile mai vechi linkurile de download sa expire. Ti-am regenerat toate linkurile, iar acum totul functioneaza cum ar trebui. Daca intampini si alte probleme scrie-ne prin email. Numai bine!
Writen by:
Writen by:
Andrei Moraru
(verified owner) :
Merita toti banii. Mie imi place design-ul!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Buna ziua!Locomotiva este foarte buna dar acum imi apare daca vreau sa fac un scenariu ca licenta locomotivei (EA 692) este invalida.Ce trebuie sa fac?Va multumesc!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut r4tro, trimite-ne prin email un screenshot cu mesajul pe care il primesti in joc. Daca mai ai probleme de acest fel scrie-ne direct pe email, verificam mult mai des acolo. Toate cele bune!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Am trimis acum un email sper să mă repot juca cu o minune de locomotivă!Toate cele bune la fel!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut! Am o problema cu locomotiva asta si cred ca si cu reskinuri-le ei. Eu joc foarte mult TS si mai ales pe Bucuresti – Ploiesti, dar cand apas pe camera 5( camera de vagoane pentru a vedea interiorul cabinei) locomotiva impreuna cu reskin-urile se aud ca si cum ar fi din exterior goarnele se aud tare ca din exterior si cand apas ceva sa zicem butonul de conectare panto se aude si sunet acela. Practic se aude si ce auzi in camera de exterior si interior. Stiti o rezolvare la asta?
Apropo folosesc vagoanele de la RailStudio (RS) si la orice locomotiva( GM, LDH, etc. ) nu se aud sunetele exterior interior, se aud sunetele vagoanelor si goarna da mai incet. Va rog ajutati-ma.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, probabil nu este activat EFX.
Writen by:
Ivan Duris
(verified owner) :
Absolutely perfect machine, real piece of art and functionality.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Thank you Ivan, glad you like it! All the best!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Top cool locomotive, nothing wrong with it!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Writen by:
salut,am o intrebare aceste moduri cu trenuri romanesti merge si pe train simulator 2021? si inca o intrebare aceste moduri cer calculator cu componente foarte bune adica am un i5 11400f cu un gtx 1650 super 16gb ram ar trebui sa fie o problema ? cu asa componente astept raspuns! o zi buna
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salutare, da, aceasta locomotiva este compatibila cu toate versiunile de Train Simulator. Cat despre specificatiile tehnice, da ar trebui sa functioneze. Avand in vedere ca aici este o sectiune de pareri despre acest produs, te rog pe viitor daca mai ai astfel de intrebari, poti intreba pe grupul nostru de facebook sau prin email. Toate cele bune.
Writen by:
sunteti geniali pur si simplu eu zic ca 20 de euro nu e un pret wow pentru ce ati facut voi da sa zicem e un pic scump dar pot sa zic ca daca esti pasionat de trenuri nu prea te intereseaza pretul tineti-o tot asa sunteti geniali faceti niste locomotive geniale vagoane sau scenarii !!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumim mult!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
frumoasa locomotiva facuta mult success in continuare in a a face asa superbe locomotive 10/10 am cumparat-o acum 2 zile si sunt mega multumit de produs respect+++
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumesc, ma bucur ca este asa cum te-ai asteptat!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
cum reusesc sa anulez DSV-ul, de fiecare data cand pornesc locomotiva se activeaza dsv si incep alarmele sa sune si locomotiva se opreste dupa cateva secunde, am urmat instructiunile de pornire dar tot asa se intampla, acel buton verde cu “anulare dsv” nu face nimic, il apas continuu
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut, DSV-ul se anuleaza apasand timp de 3 secunde tasta X sau butonul “Anulare DSV”. Citeste te rog manualul. Numai bine!
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salut negru13,cand va venii urmatorul update de imbunatatire la aceasta locomotiva?
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Salutare, cu siguranta cand va fi nevoie. 🙂
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Foarte detaliat modelul si simularea este aproape de realitate! Aveti in plan si realizarea locomotivei LE-MA(v3)?
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumesc! Da, cel mai probabil in viitor vom avea si LE-MA.
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Superba! Ca de obicei, cele mai faina locomotiva. Pacat ca e limitata la 120km/h 🙁
Writen by:
(verified owner) :
Multumesc, daca doresti viteze mai mari poti incerca locomotive disponibile in pachetele de skinuri.