
Electric Pack #3








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Original price was: 25,00€.Current price is: 19,99€.

These are REPAINTS/RESKINS. This means that the package contains only textures and other small improvements added to the main loco. In order for this asset to work you need to have installed the main model of CFR 060 – EA 476-692-5 which can be found

This pack contains five different reskins on 060 EA 692, used by the Romanian national railway company CFR Călători. Each repaint in this electric pack features high-quality photo textures giving the locomotives a realistic actual look.
Two of them belong to the biggest and the oldest national depot Brașov, two of them to the Cluj-Napoca depot, one of the most important depots of north-western Romania, and one to the Bucharest Călători depot.
All the loco’s have been modernized with ICOL CSAM system at Softronic Craiova.

The pack includes:
CFR Călători 410008-3
CFR Călători 410011-7
CFR Călători 410148-7
CFR Călători 400721-3
CFR Călători 400782-5

Note: This asset is depending on a licensing system that requires an original copy of Train Simulator game and a valid Steam account.



Step 1 – Make sure that you have the main model (CFR 060 – EA 476-692-5) of the loco installed and working.
Step 2 – Run the utility and follow the installation steps.



060 EA1 008

This is a repaint of the class 41 EA 008, build in 1966 by Allmänna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget (ASEA) and delivered to Romania as the 8th piece of the 10 Swedish built batch. The locomotive belongs to Brașov depot, the depot with the largest park in Romania.
Until August 2019, it had over 7 million effective kilometers traveled.In August 2020 in Buda station, Prahova county, EA 008 unfortunately suffered a fire while towing the train IR 1636 Brașov-Bucharest North. The fire was located in the area of the compressor.
This used paint scheme represents present today’s look of the locomotive, serving CFR Călători passenger trains.

060 EA1 011

This is a repaint of the EA 41-0011-7. The locomotive belongs to Brașov Depot
and is one of the locomotives with the most kilometers performed at CFR. It still runs today, belonging to CFR Călători.
In the past, the EA 011 had a symmetrical pantograph and looked very different from what it looks like today. An emblematic look of CFR and loved by many: the classic scheme and tricolor stripe. This used and very rugged paint scheme represents today’s look of the locomotive.

060 EA1 148

This is a repaint of the Class 41 EA 148 that belongs to the national railway company CFR Călători and Bucharest depot. The HORA locomotive, named by the visual artist Carmen Nistor due to the motifs transposed from the Romanian folk costumes on the outside of the electric locomotive, is the result of the collaboration between CFR Călători, the national passenger rail transport operator, Policolor, the longest-lived Romanian varnish, and paint brand and Carmen Nistor, visual artist, passionate about transposing Romanian colors and motifs on unconventional surfaces. To carry out the project, the visual artist moved her painting workshop to the depot and, in record time, completed the painting of over 150 sqm, using exclusively the brush. The HORA locomotive would cross the Bucharest-Constanța route until September 15 with the “Sun Trains”, and in autumn it would reach other tourist points in Romania, further promoting the traditional symbols. This authentic look of the locomotive represents its look during 2020.

060 EA 721

This repaint represents the EA 721 that was assembled at Electroputere Craiova in 1984 nearing the end of the communist era in Romania. It belongs to CFR Călători and pertains to the Cluj-Napoca depot. Nicknamed “Creața”, this locomotive is the last one in circulation proudly wearing its side striations, giving it this very distinctive look, loved by many. It is very well maintained thus keeping its looks through the years, remaining mostly unchanged since its ICOL CSAM modernization. This look represents the present-day aspect of the locomotive.

060 EA 782

This is a repaint of the class 40 EA 782, built in 1987 at Electroputere Craiova România with ASEA Sweeden license. The locomotive belongs to Cluj-Napoca Depot and it is currently used in passenger service by the national railway company CFR Călători. It is one of the more representative locomotives of this depot due to its emblems and other accessories. Railway enthusiasts call this color scheme “Coca Cola” because of the two main colors: red and white. This used and authentic look of the locomotive represents its aspect during 2018 before it suffered an accident damaging one of its ends which luckily got fixed quickly bringing the locomotive back on track.


Technical specifications
Type: Electric
Axle formula: CoCo
Weight: 120 t (264,554.7 pounds)
Length: 19,800 mm (64.96 ft)
Engine Power: 5,100 kW (6,800 hp)
Max Speed: 160 km/h (100 mph)


Key Features

New horn sounds
HD real exterior textures
HD winter exterior textures
HD interior textures
Minor sound improvements
Custom exterior emblem and custom interior, exterior 3D details




Special thanks

Andrei Furculeșteanu
Zsolti Pal
Alexandru Baiu



This product cannot be redistributed and modified in any form without author’s permission.

Redistribution on any other website or forum except www.train-motion.com is strictly forbidden and will entail permanent deactivation of your account on www.train-motion.com and related official pages and we will no longer sell to you any of our future or existing products. (Every locomotive contains info about its owner)

Reverse engineering on this asset or other parts of it is strictly forbidden.
(that means the models, the textures, sounds, the configs)


If you really like trains and what we do for this simulator, please support us by not encouraging piracy of these assets. It’s a huge amount of time and effort involved in the process of creating this level of realism and piracy will just make the authors to no longer publish their work.



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5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating


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  1. John_Black33

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    Sunt nerăbdător să le testez :)). Mii de mulțumiri pentru munca depusă.

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      Multumim pentru aprecieri!

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